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Let's Build the Wall (CD) 2008

1.  God Wanted It That Way *

2.  Through the Storm *
3.  Stand Still 
4.  Fight On *
5.  He Made a Way For Me *
6.  With All the Many Miracles 
7.  When Jesus Passed By
8.  He Called My Name *
9.  The Blood is Still There
10.  Let's Build the Wall ** 
11.  I Still Believe
12.  The Great I Am Still Lives *


Let's Build the Wall by Stephen Ray Nichols & Family • 2008

* song written by Stephen Ray Nichols

** song written by Stephen Ray Nichols / Jeanne M. Nichols

Let's Build the Wall (CD) 2008

  • In 1995, God gave me a thorn in my flesh to humble me and teach me of His Grace. I have spent most of the past 13 years bedridden, in a wheelchair, or using a walker or cane. Together, my wife Jeanne and and our children have learned to Stand Still and trust God as He moves in our lives. We have learned that God Wanted It That Way, and His mighty hands are once again carrying us Through the Storm and giving us the strength to not only Fight On, but to praise Him for all His goodness to us on the journey.

    We have been blessed with an incredible church, who instead of griping and complaining of the shortcomings of their Pastor, have rallied together and carried on the cause of Christ's with honor and dignity. I was bedridden for 49 days straight in 2007. They never complained, but only prayed, loved, cared for and strengthened their preacher and His family and served the Saviour with the Holy Spirit filled power. With deep love and a debt we can never repay, we want to dedicate this CD to all of our church family at Regency Baptist Church. We love you!
    It is our prayer that this CD will be an encouragement to all who claim the name of Jesus, to "Build the Wall" strong and true for the cause of Christ. America is dying and it' is time for us all to stand and be counted.


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    Nichols Family Music

    c/o Regency Baptist Church of Loomis

    3300 Taylor Rd., Loomis, CA 95650

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