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It's More Than Just a Miracle (CD) 2004
1. It's More Than Just A Miracle *
2. That's My Jesus 
3. The Best Is Yet to Come 
4. The Stone's Rolled Away *
5. Heaven, Beautiful Heaven *
6. Heaven's Sounding Sweeter All the Time
7. One of These Days *
8. The Old Preacher's Prayer * (Dedicated to my father and father-in-law, two old time preachers)
9. It's in the Book *
10. There Is a Place by Me *
11. I'm Never Alone ** 
12. He the Pearly Gates Will Open 


It's More Than Just a Miracle by Stephen Ray Nichols & Family • 2004

* song written by Stephen Ray Nichols

** song written by Stephen Ray Nichols /  Elizabeth Ozborn

It's More Than Just a Miracle (CD) 2004

  • The story of my life is truly "More Than Just a Miracle," it is a testimony of God's Amazing Grace. It was my incredible privilege to be raised by Pastor and Mrs. Charles Nichols in Cody, Wyoming, where my father was the Pastor of the First Baptist church.

    As a young child, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and after graduation from Bible College, I married the most beautiful lady in the world, Jeanne Dion, the daughter of Pastor and Mrs. Richard Dion of the Fairview Baptist Church in Great Falls, Montana. Blessed with four wonderful and healthy children, Jeanne and I served the Lord in church planting and new church work and knew only the constant blessing of the Lord.


    Then in July of 1995, our lives began to slowly systematically change as my health began to deteriorate. The years to follow saw me bedridden many times for weeks, in hospitals and clinics, seeing countless doctors and specialists. First, it was a cane, then a walker, and by the year 2001, I was in a wheelchair and pretty certain that I would never walk again, unable to hold things in my hands without dropping them as my muscular system was slowly dying. Many countless nights were spent unable to sleep because of severe pain. Many sermons were preached sitting on a highbacked chair behind the pulpit, with a high fever and on heavy medication. Doctors told my wife and I that my condition could not be helped or slowed down and would eventually kill me. I was much like the man beside the pool of Bethsaida that no one would help to stirring waters.

    I finally told the Lord that I could not pastor anymore unless He healed me. With a broken heart, alone in a hospital bed in the middle of the night, I fully and completely gave my ministry to the Lord and told Him that if He didn't want me to Pastor anymore, that I would not be bitter, but would somehow, someway serve Him until He took me home. That very night, when it seemed all hope was gone, the Great Physician passed by my bed and lifted me up. What earthly Doctors could not do, He was more than able to do. After a year of intense physical therapy, I learned to walk again as the Lord gave strength to me. To see me standing here today, on my own, to preach and sing each Sunday is so amazing. I'm just an old sinner saved by Grace, and yet my loving Saviour still chooses to use me in this great work of His.

    It is my humble prayer that God will use this CD to be a blessing to your heart, to encourage you, to challenge you to look up and see Jesus, and to recognize all that He has done for you. Just to think He still loves sinners like us, is "More Than Just a Miracle."

    This CD is dedicated, with all the love of my heart, to my wonderful wife and friend Jeanne, who in sickness and in health, has loved me with a true and abiding love that cannot be purchased with anything of earthly value. Jeanne, I love you, Honey, I am forever indebted to you for your love and care for me!!


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    Nichols Family Music

    c/o Regency Baptist Church of Loomis

    3300 Taylor Rd., Loomis, CA 95650

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